Video report

Yazd Seyed Al-Shohada Hospital is the only private hospital in the city that offers angiography treatments.

Yazd Seyed Al-Shohada Hospital has always strived to enhance the quality of services offered to heart patients by incorporating new and cutting-edge technology into its operations and upgrading and rebuilding several departments in the area of cardiovascular care.

According to Public Relations, Yazd Seyed Al-Shohada Hospital has two VIP beds, and it is the only ward in Yazd province that many patients’ families could remain with its them in the critical care unit. A total of 14 hospital beds, 2 VIP beds, and one isolated bed with a charity tariff are available for patients at the Hospital CCU.

Seyed Al-Shohada Hospital is the only private hospital in the country in which open heart surgery is performed. The intensive care unit (ICU) of the hospital offers 12 beds dedicated to treating patients who have had open-heart surgery, which is a procedure with a high level of sensitivity.

Modern technology, 24 cardiac beds, 12 intensive care units (ICUs), a comprehensive heart ward with a 20-bed capacity, and 14 heart surgery beds at Yazd Seyed Al-Shohada Hospital have combined to provide an unrivaled treatment facility for cardiovascular illness.